PictConv PictConv
Développer sur le PC des programmes pour l'oric, cela nécéssite de pouvoir programmer sur le PC, mais aussi de pouvoir concevoir les graphismes et musiques sur le PC. La conséquence est qu'il faut ensuite pouvor convertir tout cela dans un format affichable sur l'Oric.
PictConv est donc un petit programme en ligne de commande dont l'objectif est de convertir des images au format PNG, GIF ou BMP dans un format lisible sur l'oric.
Developing Oric programs on the PC imply to be able to program on the PC, but also to be able to conceive the graphics and musics on the PC. The consequence is that it is necessary to be ableto convert all it in a Oric displayable format.
PictConv is therefore a small command line program than can convert some pictures in PNG, GIF or BMP format to a format readable on the oric.

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Les parametres Program parameters
Pour utilise PictConv:

PictConv options nom_source nom_destination

Les options disponibles:

-f0 => output a MONOCHROME picture
-f1 => output a COLORED picture
-f2 => output a RGB picture
-f3 => output a RB picture

-d0 => No dithering (0/1)
-d1 => Alternate dithering  (0/0.5/1)
-d2 => Ordered dithering (4x4 matrix, 8 levels)
-d3 => Riemersma dithering (based on hilbert curves)

-o0 => Tape format, including a BASIC loader
-o1 => Tape format, simply the picture
-o2 => RAW format. No header.
-o3 => C source code
-o4 => S source code
-o5 => Output a PC picture format
-o6 => 2 bytes (dx,dy) size followed by RAW picture
To use it:

PictConv options source_name destination_name

options can be:
(I only put the one that are already working)

-f0 => output a MONOCHROME picture
-f1 => output a COLORED picture
-f2 => output a RGB picture
-f3 => output a RB picture

-d0 => No dithering (0/1)
-d1 => Alternate dithering  (0/0.5/1)
-d2 => Ordered dithering (4x4 matrix, 8 levels)
-d3 => Riemersma dithering (based on hilbert curves)

-o0 => Tape format, including a BASIC loader
-o1 => Tape format, simply the picture
-o2 => RAW format. No header.
-o3 => C source code
-o4 => S source code
-o5 => Output a PC picture format
-o6 => 2 bytes (dx,dy) size followed by RAW picture
Examples d'images Some picture samples
Voici quelques exemples de conversions, avec les paramètres utilisés. Here are some conversion samples, with the parameters used.


-f0 -f2


-f0 -f2


-f0 -f2


-f0 -f2

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